Thursday, March 29, 2007


I've decided that this will be the most efficient way to reach people while deployed. This should be easier than mass emails that clog your inboxes and inevitably upset people who aren't on the list. Feel free to send links to this blog to anyone who may be interested.
I'll try to update this daily downrange, but it all depends on my schedule. I leave in about two weeks and may update this occasionally on the joys of packing, outprocessing, and travelling. I apologize in advance for the vague nature of some of the coming posts but I will try to err on the side of caution where operational or personal security is concerned.
And just in case anyone is concerned or heard otherwise, I have the training I need to do the duties I am being sent to perform and I have the best protective equipment available. I like to customize my equipment and buy some specific tools that aren't generally issued, but I have what I need and even most of what I want. Please don't take my gear addiction or training obsession as a negative indicator of our readiness.
I don't want to be the poster child of doves who try to use support for troops as an artificial spine or for chicken hawks who substitute the courage of troops for their own. These writings are mine, and mine alone and only relfect my personal opinions.

Oh, and imposing artificial deadlines on our operations based on domestic political considerations does undermine our efforts. I only add that becaues it has been in the news this week. At home you may not feel it, but we are at war. It needs to be said often. It is a real war and very different than the one debated daily as a rhetorical tool on talk shows and in the Capitol.

With that, I'm off to sell my Chometz and then vacuum the house. I'm hardcore.

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