Saturday, April 21, 2007

Training Wheels are off...

One thing that is nice about long travel followed by working nights is that jet lag is a non issue. I was eager to get started and although it took a little time to get spun up, I'm ready and working now. It is definitely a unique work environment.
I'm learning quickly that travel and MWR (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation are the great equalizers). Flying here, people of all ranks were sleeping side by side on the aircraft floor. Here on the MWR computers it is the same. Makes for great people watching when you have time.
It is surprisingly tricky to post without saying anything about what I'm doing.
One thing that is amusing is how far removed the news seems from here. I'm not entirely sure whether the world I'm living in now or the world I've caught glimpses of in the news is the real one, but they are clearly not the same.
My living quarters are actually pretty comfortable. I have air conditioning, my own room, and a closet. I forgot to bring a pillow and an alarm clock. Maybe I should get a camping pillow... (only my wife and one other person will get that joke). Lesson learned for next time. For now, my poncho liner folded up makes a fine pillow and I managed to borrow someone else's extra alarm clock. My watch alarm was able to wake me up, but may as well be safe.
Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be able to make it from my room to work and back without getting lost. Everything looks different in daylight. The office is kind of like a Vegas Casino in that without a watch or clock, you'd never know what time it is.
That's it for now. No profound insights or rants.

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