Saturday, May 5, 2007


My war now has a soundtrack. I found a shared network drive with a whole boatload (the proper military term for boatload would be inappropriate for my younger readers) of MP3s. I went through the massive list picking anything that sounded appealing from Allison Krauss to AC/DC (I did the alliteration and genre thing rather than alphabetical... it worked for me). It is really funny how it can set the mood or completely confict with it.
Listening to a live cut of St. Stephen during anything I do is amusing, like being in an art movie aiming for contrasts. AC/DC fits perfectly for almost anything here. Karmically, something probably blows up evertime Thunderstruck plays. It has to be.
Other times, the random player is uncanny with its ability to pick the right song. Dire Straits Brothers in Arms came on at just the right moment to give chills. It all worked out, but still.
I like Jim Croce.
I also noticed that there is a definite quality issue with these MP3s. Bob Dylan almost sounds like a singer and Allison Krauss's voice sounds scratchy.
War. It's hell.
Someone commented to me about how the word fun couldn't possible be used to describe this. I'm not sure I'd say fun, but there is an instant gratification aspect and it is very satisfying when things work out. I can see where it can be addictive. It would be easy to forget from behind our desks that we are supporting guys who knowingly go into harms way to get the job done except most of the people sitting with me have done it themselves.
I can't comment on operations, but I'll say we are doing incredible work but there is a lot to be done. We'll be working on elements of this worldwide when Jenna (maybe Barbara? Which one wrote the kid's book?) Bush is running against Chelsea Clinton.
Incidentally, that troop that needed Kosher meals found the Jewish lay leader. It is a JAG. Of course. Oddly, the Chaplain was there at the same time. The Jewish officer responsible for helping the Chaplain with the needs of Jewish troops had never heard of Kosher MREs. The non-Jewish Chaplain had heard of them and was willing to help. We'll see where it goes.
In the mean time, this JAG officer had held on to an MRE thing from Passover and gave it to the troop. There was a beef stew and a can of kippered herring. I do not know what the process of kippering involves, but it should never be done to food. Apparently it was stringy and greasy and tasted so very good.

I also see that Oscar Delahoya is fighting the Mexican Apollo Creed. This guy came in looking like Carl Weathers in Rocky IV, except it was a HUGE sombrero and robe colored like the Mexican flag. All he needed was a mariachi version of James Brown and it would have been complete.

I hope my hooch has power but I'm not in there enough for it to really matter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally got a chance to read your posts. They're great! We're really proud of you and everything that you're doing (okay, we don't really know everything that you're doing, but if we did know, we know we'd be really proud).

Glad you got connected to some music.

On the MREs, I want to hear in your next post whether they taste better than kosher airplane food.

You should be receiving some snail mail from young admirers. Hope you enjoy.