Monday, May 4, 2009

Pocket full of dreams...

Well, a pocket full of 9mm ammunition anyway. One guy had to unload his magazine to go somewhere and just handed me the bullets. I threw them in my pocket. A few hours later I heard a rattling as I walked and couldn't figure out what it was. All my magazines are full so I guess I'll just hold on to these as extras. I can fire them off at the range, pass them on the new guy, or save them for the odd chance I need them.

You never know when the zombies will attack, but I'm ready.

Even in the deployed environment the silly ancillery training requirements must be kept current. Our command had yet another mandatory suicide prevention training session. It is a serious issue, but the military method of teaching this material (repeat, repeat, and repeat... show cheesy video and complete with powerpoint again) may be having unintended consequencs as we desperately try to avoid the more annoying events. I escaped because although we were all told we had to go, it was actually just an Army event. I was glad because we got our annual--semi-annual? bi-annual? monthly?--suicide prevention brief back in January. Well, my unit did. I missed that because I left that drill early because my wife was sick. So don't have suicidal thoughts around me. I'm no longer current in my training and may do the wrong thing and negatively impact your personal record or scare you from seeking help.

I now have my correspondence course for my Professional Military Education set up here on my work computer. I need to finish this in order to get promoted. Granted I'm not eligible for promotion for a while, but have the time and opportunity to bang it out real fast here.

I've also gone through reports written by that last few people to sit in my seat to learn what has worked, what hasn't, and what still needs fixing. I'm working with my partner to create a to-do list of things for us to improve. We're going to scrub all of our products to see what is working, what isn't, and what is/is not needed. No change for the sake of change, but things can always be better. As we make the list, we'll check it with people in the JOC to get their inputs. We'll also check it with some of our peers for a common sense edit. I'll check the bigger picture issues with some trusted folks before raising them up the flag pole.

Otherwise, I am getting my routine set. I liked what I did last time of PTing twice a day. I'll try to keep to that. I'm easing in to it. So I'm pretty sore, but in a good way. I worked hard, but I'm not injured.

I also found out that we can take some limited pictures here. My wife will probably ship me my camera so I can take the obligatory cheesy hero shot. I'll get all kitted out on the range so people can see me in action slaying evil jihadi paper.

Speaking of kit, I saw one of the guys had a few morale patches on his armor/load carrying vest. Morale patches are velcro patches with logos, pictures, quotes, etc. Sometimes they are inside jokes. Small ones can be funny. Going overboard or having one that is really bright and attention getting is just silly. Quiet professionals. That's what we are. We're not supposed to advertise. Leave that for playing at home and airsofters. Just my thoughts on the matter.

...a tasteful small Calico Jack or Spartan shield in a subdued color, however... but no I don't have any on my kit. Just some IFF (identify friend or foe) material to identify me to good guys.

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