Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Marking Time

One of the people I was coordinating with was excited because he has less than one month left until he goes home.

One of my the guys on my team asked me how long I've got left. It was more rhetorical since I flew in with him and I'm flying out with him.

I said I pretty much am here until I leave. I mark time by events. So certain people leaving are milestones.

My wife leaving for Peru was a milestone.

Her staring to work on the clinic there is a milestone.

Her coming home is a milestone.

Oddly, kind of like last time, the big events I use to mark time are what my wife is doing.

Anyway, the other guy on my team handles it similarly. He doesn't bother paying too close attention to the calendar until the last month. If he actually leaves on time, great. If not, so it goes.

So as long as Iran doesn't completley implode or North Korea doesn't get too frisky and we don't get extended/stranded, then we'll be home roughly on schedule.


In the mean time, my wife starts work on the clinic next week.

And I hate sand fleas.

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