Saturday, July 18, 2009

Embracing my role...

I start off this post with a nod to someone who is very responsible for me being where I am today. And for my being, period. Today is my Father's birthday.

He taught me all of the words that I need to be able to use well in order to fit in here.

Despite all of my claims to be setting out on my own path, I went to the same undergraduate school the he did. I am now, despite having sworn not to and having seen enough to know better, following him to law school. Maybe he was on to something.

While being a paratrooper is something he would never do, I think I get a lot of my work ethic (the good part of it) from him--I may also get my procrastination from how he submits his hours.

He very quietly had done a lot of work for charitable institutions, his own firm, international organizations, and political appointees. When it is all done right, it rarely makes the news and is all too often unrecognized except among his peers.

More importantly, my wife is hopeful that I will also have as much of my hair as he does when I'm his age.

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I got a message from my counterpart in another theater asking how I liked being a staff guy. I guess I could complain more, but I may as well make the most of it.

My goal at the outset was to make this better for the next guy and improve the support we are providing to our teams. Today I think I got the ball rolling on few projects.

I've been doing my homework, learning the processes, gathering the contacts, today I struck. We'll see where it goes, but I'm pretty excited. Some of these are things that past guys in my seats have tried and failed. I studied their mistakes and hope I learned the right lessons from them.

Hopefully the fact that I've been ahead of any guidance I've gotten from higher commands bodes well.

Like I said, we'll see how it all shakes out.

I've also been having fun at dinner. I've been eating with some of the senior JOC staff and we solve the world's problems and have our own little reading club.

We have more fodder because my parents just sent me a package with cookies and magazines. I gave the People magazine to a friend of mine to give to a friend of his who said she reads it. The Economist and Smithsonian magazines will be big hits.

The cookies are excellent but poorly times. You see, someone else had just opened a package of brownies. After I had ice cream at lunch.

I like cookies.

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