Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Party Plans

One of my friends is getting ready to leave. We are trying to figure out the best way to celebrate.

Over dinner, it hit us....

Near-Beer Float.

One can of Coors Cutter (or the better German fake beer) plus one scoop of vanilla ice cream.

It was a flash of brilliance. I can't wait to try it.

Expect a full report.

On a not completely unrelated to work, I must share my disappointment in the criticism of the nutjob in New Hampshire that showed up outside the President's town hall meeting with a gun and a sign paraphrasing Jefferson.

Everyone has jumped on the complete lack of sense involved showing up at a Presidential appearance armed and apparently threatening violence.

Sadly, no one seems to be critiquing the ridiculous set up he was rocking. A thigh holster has it's place. The idea is generally to lower the holster below the belt line when wearing armor so that the armor does not interfere with the drawing motion. The idea is to have the pistol has high as possible while still allowing for a smooth draw.

This idiot had his pistol mounted somewhere near his knee. That would be a horrible inefficient drawing motion. It also wastes extra energy while walking around with the weight mounted lower on the leg.

It was not only a poorly conceived demonstration, but it was also poorly executed.

Oh well. At least he can keep the healthcare he has until the government gets its grubby hands on his Medicare. Or something.

I guess the good news is that no matter how badly I botch a forecast, I can simply watch the news from home and feel smart again.

Stay Classy, America.

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