Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I have arrived

After yet more delays in miscommunications, we took off. Flight was uneventful. I slept a little, I read a little.

When we entered Iraqi airspace we had to put our boots back on and arrange our stuff, but otherwise it was pretty uneventful. On the ground we were shuttled to where we needed to be, at which point I called the guy I'm replacing to let him know we were here.

We grabbed some quick chow, got the quick tour, and got set up in our rooms. I'll have my own trailer, which is nice. It has a fridge and even a cable hook up (but no TV).

It is amazing how we keep improving the infrastructure on our large posts here. There are signs that use fast food joints as reference points for directions. The fitness center has classes. Some infomercial people have actually come out to teach what the preach.

That is OIF 2009 for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Possible to use cable for internet in room? :) Old fashioned hook-it-up-to-the-wall internet?