Monday, June 22, 2009

Catching Up

So I was perusing our pile of gun magazines with my SEAL buddy here discussing equipment and joking about what movie or TV show to watch from the Entertainment Server when I mentioned that deployments are the time to catch up on movies and TV shows I've missed. Strangely, it's become kind of true.

Last time I was idealistic and resisted it. This time I have no qualms about having some silly movie on in the background or taking a quick break for a commercial-free episode of Scrubs or Robot Chicken.

As for the pile of gun magazines... we may be on some kind of watch list. They just kind of multiply. Courtesy of internet networking, I "know" some of the authors now and "know" the designers of some of the equipment being reviewed. Actually, some the folks I've met in person.

Besides, we must be true to stereotype.

In an effor to feel useful while my wife dealt with a minor infection on her finger I consulted the local experts in dirt medicine. He told me to keep it clean and apply anti-biotic ointment, oral anti-biotics if available. And use clean drinking water to wash it off, not the local tap water or whatever.

So nothing earth shaking. Nothing she wasn't already very on top of. But I was trying to feel useful.

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