Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flaming Pile of Dog Poo


If you give yourself an arbitrary internal deadline to push a product, but as the deadline approaches you know that the product does not work, do you:

a) Push the product anyway
b) Delay the release
c) Delay the release and check with the end users to make sure that the product is something desired in the forst palce
d) Push the product anyway without consulting with the enduser, do it in a way that undermines the functionality of various products without warning, and then ensure that systems crash in order to divert attention from the bad product to the bad service... all while fighting wars on multiple fronts

Guess which one the Air Force chose?

My computer just about melted due to the use of various phrases that are not in spellcheck in my initial response to the new products.

Then I took a few deep breaths. I ascertained the grid coordinates of the people responsible and began filling out a 9 -line request for an airstrike.

I decided that would be too impersonal and might negatively impact some friends I have that work in the same buildings.

So I wrote a professional but scathing critique and sent it up the chain like a good little staff officer. I continued to creatively distort the English language in ways that did, in fact, disturb some old sailors. Well, I got some funny looks anyway. But on the record I was a professional.

It was less than satisfying.

I did, however, close the Level 1.5 Gripper with both my right and left hands. It is entirely possible that I will be physically capable of crushing the thick hollow skulls of the eggheads who prematurely pushed these stupid products with my bare hands.

I don't actually want to crush their skills with my bare hands. It would be really gooey and their special brand of stupid is probably contagious. But to be able to do it...

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