Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tangible Accomplishments

We were walking by some construction when one of my friends said that he should be a carpenter. Keep in mind he spent over two years getting trained for his current specialty in a course with a very high attrition rate. Because we are all becoming friends, we made fun of him.

But we also all sympathized. Here we are, highly trained and motivated troops, editting powerpoint slides. I'm fortunate in that I get to make my own slides. We do this with the knowledge that we are enabling the teams in the field to get the job done. We also look at the guys working in the summer heat fixing things and are envious of the feeling of accomplishment they must have.

We decided that we should be able to make something. Nothing fancy. Maybe just a T-barrier. It will be our, the JOC Staff's, lasting legacy to Joint Base Balad. We can write our names or initials in the barrier before the cement dries.

The carpenter-wannabe mentioned our plan to another friend of his. She's in too.

It probably won't happen. But why dream small?

It also looks like my food issues will be resolved. I got a call from supply giving me a point of contact at the Chow Hall who should have everything just about set. Hopefully more to follow on that.

As for the choice between hot and miserable or cooler and very dusty, I'm not sure which I prefer. I think hot and miserable, but variety is nice.

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