Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby Steps...

First, a reminder for everyone to call or email my wife tomorrow and wish her a Happy Birthday. She doesn't want to make a big deal out of it, she is incredibly busy training a new group of volunteers in addition to the daily work they are doing at the clinic, and barely has time to read her emails.

Wish her a Happy Birthday anyway.

I have successfully scheduled MRAP training. The next time I post I should be a certified driver. I may even be certified to operate the remote weapons system.

It's kind of amazing that we are still using a machine gun designed 100 years ago, just mounting it on a robotic swivel on a vehicle out of a cheesy 80's movie.

Gaston Glock has nothing on John Moses Browning... even if I did buy a Glock over a 1911.

Hopefully, once I meet the instructors, I can get a list of the other vehicles we have on hand that I can get certified on. May as well. This plan is moving from the nice idea column to the in-execution column.

Unfortunately, I'm not the only one who get regular visits from the good idea fairy. One of my peers had a great idea that I'm trying to make sense of. It could end up with me doing more work, which is fine, but I can't understand what the work is supposed to accomplish.

I pinged one of the Senior NCOs I trust on these issues to BS check it. He doesn't get it either.

Whatever. The process of vetting these ideas usually leaves me smarter than I was before, so I guess either way it is a good opportunity.

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