Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Car Chase

Maybe work has made us a little warped.

I think we just a bunch of dudes watching TV.

There was yet another California car chase on the news. In the middle of everything else going on, we all stopped to watch.

We cheered on the cops. We critiqued their performance. We laughed when the guy pulled out of his car, which was not in park, and as the car slowly rolled back into an empty cop car...

It was particularly funny to me because I forgot to put our vehicle in park during a training exercise a while back. We were doing a react to contact drill. To simulate our vehicle being disabled by an IED there was a loud boom created by an instructor and then I, as the drive, was supposed to stop and put the vehicle in park.

Well, I swerved as I stopped to create better cover for our retreat from the vehicle. We dismounted, returned fire, and... the car kept rolling.

Fortunately it rolled into another vehicle, which stoppped it. Just like the criminal's vehicle rolling pretty harmlessly into a nearby cop car.

It ended better for me than the criminal on the news. He got arrested. I just owed a round of beer that night.

With the chase over, we went back to work.

My other great accomplishment for the day was filling out my application for the New GI Bill. After reviewing everything, I think I'm eligible for at least 60% of the full time benefit, but maybe up to 100% depending on how they count my first years of active duty service.

It they count those years as pay back for my ROTC scholarship, then I should still get the 60% for my various Active Duty periods as a Guardsman. If they simply count that time as cumulative Active Duty time, then I should get 60%.

Either way, it's a great deal and a major jump up in my VA benefits for school.

Thank you Senator Webb.

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