Monday, August 31, 2009

Increasing Productivity

We are turning the JOC into a garage gym.

I like the think that I inspired it, in part. When I go to the bathroom, I hit the pull-up/dip tower for a few sets. It's on the way. No matter what happens to my morning or evening PT time, I get at least those sets in.

One of the guys saw me doing it and decided it was a good idea. But having to walk outside was inconvenient.

So he is working with our engineers to have pull-up/dip tower put in on the JOC floor. He also found a stash of kettlebells that appeared to be collecting dust. Another guy found some extra gym mat material lying around too.

It's all government property so it is not stealing. We are simply reallocating resources in order to be more efficient with what the tax payers have so graciously given us.

It could of course end in disaster.

Army, Navy, and Air Force guys... public forum... PT... competitive nature... it will be fun to watch.

I, of course, won't be sucked into any immature contests. Not me. Not as one of the token Air Force guys and representative of the Special Tactics community. Nope.

It's a healthy outlet.

And it is not all meatheaded games in the JOC. One of the SEALs is watching a Discovery Channel documentary series about the Earth. He's actually taking extensive notes and making a test on it.

He may actually give us the test.

At first he was being made fun of... but now everyone is watching over his shoulder.

Baby grizzlies are cute. And Snow Leopards are awesome. Apparently that footage from Pakistan was the first time they were ever filmed in the wild.

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