Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Kettlebells are wonderfully self-correcting. If your form is right in the ballistic maneuvers, it feels wonderfully fluid. If it is off, it doesn't, to say the least. During pressing exercises, if your form is off, then you will have to fight the weight.
And, if try squeezing the weight rather than just lightly guiding its rotation around your fingers, it will remove any calluses, blisters, and attached skin. Hypothetically of course, on that last point. I've, um, heard, that it can ruin the zen nature of practicing your form through the routine rather than just counting reps.
They'll heal. Maybe some tape and band-aids are in order before my next set though.

I may have new leverage in squeezing training funds from the Guard Bureau. One of the bosses is fond of saying that when the weather is not ideal, that I need to work on my voodoo dance. I told him that if he brought me a live goat, I could fix it. I should, however, mention that the Guard Bureau has been unwilling to give us the man-days to maintain our currency in the various rituals. If he could make some phone calls...

I think it would be funny, but I guess you'd have to be here or in the Guard to get it.

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