Monday, September 14, 2009

And so it begins to end...

I've started outprocessing. I've got plenty of time but why wait?
When my replacement gets here I want to be able to focus completely on getting him spun up and settled in.

I'd like to say that all of my projects are finished. They aren't. They should all be either done or in some clean state waiting for the next guy. I guess we can't win the war in one rotation.

Unfortunately there is one issue that has been a festering wound of sorts. Not a major issue, but it seems to erupt everytime we get ready to switch out. It's really someone else's issue, but it can impact our workload and day-to-day ops.

It hit the guy I replaced the day before I showed up. It's hitting me again now. It's like they know...

Oh well. I'll fix it. Or get guidance and at least leave it to the next guy in some sort of steady state of wrongness.

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