Tuesday, September 15, 2009

That Was Easy...

So I'm pretty much outprocessed.

I have a list of offices that needed to sign my outprocessing sheet. I went to them. People signed it.

Only a few people asked any questions or looked anything up or processed anything to outprocess me. Only one person kept a record of who he outprocessed.

But I needed all of those signatures in order to get the boss's signature. With his signature I can go the personnel office and have them give me my walking papers.

Presumably the personnel office does some actual "processing."

All I know is I walked all over collecting autographs.

Of course, I'm way ahead of the game. But this way my paperwork will all be in order by the time the replacements show up. I'll be able all set to go and therefore able to focus on them and getting them set.

Of course I know them and they are all experienced guys. They won't need much more than a high-five.

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