Monday, May 21, 2007


A good friend of mine, about to graduate from Harvard Law School, sent my wife cookies. Thank you. That was a very nice thing to do, and she needed cookies.
Also thank you to my aunt and uncle who were able to stop by and visit her. It is greatly appreciated.
Which reminds me, maybe it is wrong and I shouldn't admit this, but every now wand then while reading one of my law school books, something sounds familiar and I realize that I heard it in Legally Blonde. I am not ashamed.
Incidentally, by reading this one book on criminal law I now understand every lawyer joke ever told. But I'll go to law school anyway. I already paid the deposit. And it should be interesting just the same. From engineering to meteorology to law, lots of different perspectives on the world.
I still have a hard time imagining that I'll get through three years of law school without slugging someone though.
Not much new to report here. Working on some side projects. One being that study where most of my analysis is completely unrelated to much of the data I have available, but it'll have to work. The point still stands even if the data I would prefer would illustrate it more clearly. Maybe law school isn't such a bad idea after all.
Other projects are very educational. I'm trying to soak up everything I can while I'm here.
When I left home, we had two cats. When I come home, there is a good chance we'll have three. Late in the winter my wife spotted a cat outside that appeared to be part of the same litter as the two cats she fostered while I was TDY the last time. Our first mistake was naming it.
We named it Sparta, since she made it through the cold winter barefoot in the snow growing up. Guess who came up with that one. Well, despite my initial protests, we began feeding Sparta on the deck, then in the kitchen. Now Sparta prefers being in the house to outside, apparently, and is, possibly as I type this, sitting with our cats in the kitchen--looking out at strays as is she too is an indoor cat.
Sparta is being taken to a Spay/Neuter clinic later this week.
I was pretty sure I'd come home to a new pet, just wasn't sure what kind.

1 comment:

Civil Rules of Social Procedure said...

I love the name Sparta. I also understand that it is a regular part of Korean military training to run in the snow until one kills feeling in the feet. Apparently this is part of an ancient Korean martial art of some sort. I trust they don't make guardsmen do anything similar.