Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wowed, again.

I got TWO packages. One from my parents and one from that same kind law student who sent cookies to my wife. I too have lots of cookies, I have Ramen noodles, I have instant oatmeal (which, I hate to admit now that it has been shipped to me at great expense, they have started stocking in the chow hall on occassion), bread, Economists, Sports Illustrated, a book on Presidential Leadership, a thing of quality coffee, assorted goodies, and a camping pillow. It is incredibly kind and supportive. I feel guilty with the amount of money spent on all this.
I think I ate an entire batch of peanut butter cookies during my last shift.
I may have the other food issues resolved by Monday. Stashes have been located, and very nice people are working very hard to make it happen.

As far as work goes, I'm still busy. Our commander got a little pissed the other day about how reactive our information operations campaign has been. He was pretty peeved at the way we get our butts kicked in the public eye. Occassionally press releases of operations get coverage, but we have failed to press any themes in our presentation that tell people back home what it is we are accomplishing and where it fits in.
It is a huge issue. Bad guys don't really need to target us or Iraqis for tactical effect, just for planned press coverage. They'll blow up a humvee not to kill the guys inside, but to have a new video to post online.
I'm trying to avoid this turning in to a rant, this blog wasn't meant to be my little soapbox, so I will cut it off now.
I'll give it more thought though. I'll try and think of an unclassified way to explain what's going on. That's part of what I came to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It turns out that baking cookies is the best study break, and I couldn't think of anyone more deserving than you and the wife :)

And don't feel bad, every law student relies on legally blonde. I can't tell you how often I find myself wanting to say "wait, am I on glue, or did we get into the same law school?"