Wednesday, July 4, 2007


On the phone with my father, he mentions that there was a comment in Spanish to my blog. I just checked it, and it appears to be Portuguese, not Spanish. But using what I remember of my Spanish, it is an invitation to view his blog showing off personalized t-shirts. I can even post pictures of my own personalized shirt there. Outstanding.
Today I had to stay late after work to conduct some extra training. It's a little funny because it will be irrelevant to the rest of this tour, but will be useful when I hand off to the next person and may pay off for the next time. If nothing else, it is some nice gee whiz knowledge.
I've always been a fan of gee whiz knowledge anyway. When I have time on my shift I like to cruise the various intel reports and the like. I remember taking a tour of NYC once and the tour guide compared the city to an onion, with all it's layers. Ogres are like that too, I've heard. So is this.
Two dissappointents today. For some reason Glenn Beck was on it Olberman's slot on AFN news, followed by O'Reilly. What a waste. I hope it doesn't last. Olberman is funny. Glenn Beck is a minor league O'Reilly, and O'Reilly, well, I have nothing good to say about him or his show.
The other disappointment was from an op-ed in teh Washington Post by a law professor from Columbia about how we have abdicated our role as the defenders of International Law and Laws of Armed Conflict in general. I'm not going to defend indefensible positions and truly foolish self-defeating statements made by our leadership, but the accusation as a whole is unfair. I'm not going to claim everything is perfect and fine, but there is very little to hide and there is great emphasis at all levels on following the rules.
It's funny how at the tactical level there are commanders who use overly strict interpretations of rules of engagement and the law to tie their own hands in order to cover their butts, while at the top a sense of disdain for the existing frameworks has hurt us strategically.
Hubris and Irony.
So it goes...

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