Thursday, July 19, 2007

So there I was...

There I was in the bathroom, minding my own business, when I heard it. That unmistakable whining buzz that only grows louder as it approaches. When you hear it, it's too late.
Yes. A mosquito.
It got me just as I was flossing. Right in the middle of my back. I tried to slap at it, tearing my floss in the process and cutting off circulation to my fingers, but missed. I'll survive.

I saw my neighbor on the news at a press conference. That's always fun. My neighbor was asking an official with hair an 80's rockstar would envy a question. I don't remember if it was answered. Words were spoken, but that's about it.

Lou Dobbs makes me sad. If I could just drink the kool-aid and believe him when he blames all my problems on figureheads and "others," I'd be in a better mood.
They really need to change the channel in here.

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