Thursday, July 5, 2007

I'm there.

Ayman Zawaheri issued a call to all to come to the fields of Jihad. We answered, even if he's worried no one else has. An address would be helpful, but we'll find it eventually.
My prediction, or hope anyway, is that he accidentally got photographed by the google maps van as drove around Karachi and some British immigrant will notice it while planning a trip home. That would just be great.

Work continues. The weather is funny that way. Right now I'm trying to coordinate hitting the range with a buddy for some training. A variety of weapons, unlimited free ammo, and the best trainers in the world. An opportunity not to be wasted. Picture my mom's face right now. Please. I am. Anyway, we're on slightly different shifts and trying to find a time that is minimally intrusive on our sleep cycles. Good stuff.

If you get a chance, read David Broder's article in the Washington Post from 5 July. Well put. I could insert a tirade about the short sighted pandering involved in essentially scuttling the trade deal with Colombia, but I won't. I'll keep it simple: YOU WHO DID IT AND SUPPORTED IT ARE IDIOTS. I'm tempted to say they have blood on their hands for the support they have now given the FARC, but that is a bit far. They are more useful idiots than directly aiding and abetting.

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