Sunday, July 8, 2007

Kiss my ring!

Being a weatherman can cause one to be the subject of many jokes. Me being me, I'd be the subject of many jokes anyway. One day a commander thanked me for improving the weather. I told him he better be nice or I'll make it bad again, I'm a powerful man. It is unwise to cross me. This resulted in the group consensus that only Microsoft has been more successful by screwing up than meteorologists. I think I made my point. Yeah.
The other funny moment came while chatting with a buddy. Apparently he spent much of his last shift watching "The Good Shepherd," which was apparently not very good. I guess if you're in the business, you expect more from such movies. I expressed my sympathy, reminding him that war is hell. He said that war is the most boring thing he's experienced in his career. I guess it depends on your specialty. Everyone has their slow periods.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found out another one before you! Someone else just got a ring to kiss...

-your little sister