Saturday, July 14, 2007

Who like short shorts?

I like short shorts. They are suprisingly comfortable for PT. I just thought I'd share. In local parlance they are known as "Ranger Panties" or "Catch me, [insert expletive] me shorts." They may not be stylish, but very functional. Also cheap when bought on base.
I've been away for many holidays and important events this year. I've missed both my anniversary and my wife's birthday--if you didn't call her, you should feel bad about yourself. All things considered, things worked out very well for us though. We live in a very supportive community that has rallied around her even though we are new.
I never cease to be amazed by the oddly fortuitous series of events that got us where we are. Had I deployed out of my last Active Duty assignment, I wouldn't be doing anything near as interesting and important. My wife would have had much less of a community to rely on as well. Funny how things can work that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did call her, and I even remembered to call a day early.